Hello everyone,
I think it’s the right time for an idea I’ve been thinking about for a long time.
It’s an event in the company, getting everyone as possible driving on the same map at the same time.
To start it out, I’ve thought of driving on the X10 Berlin map. A lot of you guys have this great map. Also, it’s the most played map so far from Alegra Bus, so it is fair enough to be the first one.
🗓 The date: Saturday, 09th May 2020 – Starting at noon (12 pm) in the company’s timezone. Check out the company’s time in the right side (or below if you are browsing in a smartphone).
🕔 Duration: 2 hours
🗺 The map: X10 Berlin
🚌 The Routes: My suggestion to keep everyone close to each other is to operate in the following routes: M19, M29, and 110.
How it will work:

You must request an assignment to ensure you will be able to get your schedule. Of course, just do it if you are sure you will participate. Please note: requests will be accepted until Friday, 08th May – 4 pm.
The sooner you make your request, the more bonus cash you can earn and, you ensure no one will take your place 😉
The driving event duration is about 2 hours. If you want to drive less than that, please, describe it when requesting an assignment. Also, if you’re going to drive more than 2 hours, please let me know. Any other requests, like what route you prefer, please describe them as well 🙂
I created a spreadsheet that shows the tours from the three routes we will drive. You can take a look and see the timetable and may choose what route and circulation you want to drive. The tours showed in red are those that are out of the range of the event duration. However, you can request to drive those tours before or after the defined time (12 pm – 2 pm). Access the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RP9F0TwfHEANCeGqJESIEiANZ1OyQO6yPSi4VZQA8mc/edit?usp=sharing
If you don’t know yet if you can participate, you could join us at the party, if timetables are available.
>> Do not be shy if you have any unforeseen commitments and are unable to participate. Let me know to remove your assignments, to avoid penalties. <<
Do you know how to request an assignment?
It’s pretty simple as that. Open the Bus Company Simulator and enter in the Alegra Bus Company premise.
Go to the computer, then go to the “Time Management – Manage your availability for driving shifts" option (this option is next to the “private mailbox" option).
After opening the “Time Management" option, you will find a calendar. Search for the event’s day (09.05.2020). Then, choose a period of time (you can leave it as it is in the interface: 00:00 to 23:59. I will know what period of time you will drive 😉 ).
After adding the period of time, you should set how long you would like to drive. If you want to drive 2 hours, so set 120 minutes. If you’re going to drive more than 2 hours, just let me know using this option or texting in the “note for the scheduler" field.
Check the pictures below to guide you through the steps 🙂
The main idea is to get a realistic experience of the operation. So, the scheduler will assign you a route that you may want and will assign you a bus. The keep everything working well, you should accept the suggestion and get the assigned bus to you.
Note: You can inform if you want to drive a double-decker bus, an articulated one, or solo (not recommended for M routes). In case the bus is unavailable or has a mechanical issue, you can get another bus from your choice.

Managing the time during the driving

As everyone knows, OMSI usually has some delays. When finishing the current tour, it’s crucial to advance the OMSI time to the real-time (in the company’s time) to keep everyone running at the same time or closest as possible. If you are a bit late and need some time to bathroom, water, or just standing around, please, update the game’s time on the next terminus bus stop.
For example, it’s 12:25 in your OMSI game, and at your clock, it is XX:28, you should advance the OMSI time to 12:28, to ensure we have a fair and professional driving.
Don’t forget to respect the pause time. Stand up, walk around, get some water, go to the bathroom or, eat something. Only start another tour immediately if you are late enough to do it.
Important: You must be in the company and get your bus as early as you can. It may be helpful in case of issues when loading the map, broken bus, etc. You should have enough time to handle unexpected problems.
The map suddenly has broken. What should I do?
- Try to restart OMSI using the BCS interface. If you can recover successfully, you can continue your journey. If you cannot restore it, you should restart OMSI and BCS and then starting the next tour.
If the suggested routes are unavailable, what should we do?
- We will try to assign you another route, such as 115 or X10.
X10, unfortunately, is a critical map. I strongly recommend everyone to run with collisions disabled. It will be helpful to avoid those invisible walls and, the craziest AIs ever lol

That’s it, team. This event is an opportunity to keep us very close and get some time to enjoy our favorite simulator. So if you have any considerations or suggestions, please share them with us. Only together we will do an extraordinary event 🙂
I hope to hear from you guys and, of course, I want to meet you on the streets of Berlin 🙂
Have any ideas about the next event? A suggestion of maps or routes? Put it on the table lol