Several depots changes

Our company and our fleet are growing fast. To keep everything organized, we had to buy a new depot to storage our buses. To give variety of bus options to choose when you need to go to your journey, we changed the position of many buses, to group them sorted by category, e.g., standard buses […]
A new Intercity bus has arrived: A-B 3010

Hey Alegra Bus Drivers. Just to let you know about, the company acquired a brand new Intercity bus: The Setra S 415. The bus is like a “Citaro from Setra” because the mechanical assembly is all from the Mercedes-Benz Citaro. For OMSI 2, there are two options of Setra S 415. The intercity and the […]
The whole fleet just disappeared. What is going on?

BCS is too far from to be a perfect simulator. There are a lot of incredible resources, and it gave vital breathing to the old but gold OMSI. In another hand, the simulator has a lot of bugs that you need to get used to it. We already talked about how to get out from the […]
I am stuck in the chair. What should I do?

You do not know if you will be a successful bus driver on Bus Company Simulator, but there is something that you (and all of us) know that is going to happen with you in the BCS: You will be stuck in the chair. Yes, that’s right! When selecting a computer for you and sit […]
How to get a tour and go to the road

Now that you’ve learned what’s around you in BCS, it is time to go to the road. When you enter in into the company’s premisse, you have to go to the Shift Board to get a shift for you. Just come close to the board and press the ‘E’ key to open the table. On […]
First look at the company’s premisse

When you enter in a bus company for the first time, you have some details and routines to know: You will enter in by the front gate You have to walk to the office and upstairs to access the main room You will find a room with sofas, tables, computers and two boards. Furniture All […]